As many of you well know, there are numerous experts and many training programs out there today that do their best to make you believe that their techniques and training programs are the absolute best way to train for self defense (thank God for capitalism ). While all of the ones that I've looked into over the years have some excellent elements and training drills, as an older guy who doesn't move that well anymore, I'm not convinced that running through kill houses and multi-station events is the best way for me to prepare for that moment in my life that I hope will never come (I'm also not excited to blow hundreds or thousands of dollars just so that I can hang a certificate on the wall and brag that I trained for a week with "Blah Blah" at the "Blah Blah Blah" academy or placed first at a staged event). Accordingly, my practice routine is a simple process using elements that I honestly believe must be mastered in order to have the best chance of walking away alive if I'm ever faced with having to draw my pistol to defend myself. To that end my thoughts for what they worth are as follows (YMMV).
Since it is impossible to know in advance and practice for the exact self defense scenario that we all hope we're never faced with, my training drills focus primarily on the elements that I absolutely know will be necessary to give me the best opportunity to survive the event, which are: Drawing my pistol quickly/smoothly/cleanly and Getting accurate shots on target(s) quickly. The process that I use today has evolved some over the years and is comprised of three primary segments, each of which I consider to be an important building block for the next. The first two take place in the comfort of my home and the third at my local indoor range (I generally practice each twice per week with at least 20 repetitions).
1. Draw stroke from beneath my typical cover clothing (no dry fire). I think that we all would agree that if we are unable to cleanly "present our pistol" without clothing/equipment entanglement, we may as well be carrying a brick . To that end, and knowing full well that my fine motor skills will be compromised to some degree under stress, I practice drawing from beneath both casual and dress clothing with the focus solely on the speed and consistency of the draw stroke and disengaging the safety (Note here that both of my carry pistols are carried condition #1). When I first started practicing this drill (over 9 years ago), I was lucky to get a "clean draw" 40% of the time. Through much practice (I estimate that I'm currently over 18,000 repetitions) and modification of holster placement and the tucking/draping of my shirt, I rarely experience an entanglement issue.
2. Draw stroke (cover clothing) with dry fire. I added this drill roughly 3 years ago when I decided to convert to point shooting for self defense. For this exercise I use a LaserLyte training cartridge and a large mirror that allows me to see the placement of the initial and subsequent laser (center mass) hits on a human body target (me). I must admit that when I first started practicing this method, it felt rather odd shooting at a moving human form (with a gun pointed back at me) in lieu of paper targets. I practice this drill from various angles and positions, both stationary and with some lateral movement, and also practice at least 5 magazine changes during this segment. The picture below gives you a sense of what I see in the mirror with each squeeze of the trigger (note here that as I've improved, so has the guy in the mirror.
3. Engaging targets closing on my position from 15, 20 and 25 feet (live fire). While I always enjoy my "aim small miss small" target practice with a variety of pistols at a variety of distances, at least a third of my range time these days is dedicated to self defense drills. Since I'm fortunate to be a member at a range with equipment that permits me to program what I want my target to do, I take full advantage of the opportunity to fire at targets closing on my position. As with drill #2, this drill is also strictly dedicated to point shooting, and due to range rules and safety concerns, it commences with my pistol in the low ready position with the safety engaged. In addition to double tap and triple tap drills facing the target straight on as in a single attacker scenario, I also position my body at approximately 30 degree angles from the target with my head facing 90 degrees from the target (pistol pointed in a safe direction of course) to simulate attackers closing at various angles. While I use my 1911-22 for the bulk of this drill due to ammo cost, I always finish with several drills utilizing one or both of my carry pistols. To provide myself with as much challenge as possible I use a 6 x 10" target located at the level that would cover roughly from the top of the sternum to mid abdomen on a 6' tall man (see examples below). While point shooting is not for everyone, I have become very comfortable and efficient with the process and rarely place a shot outside of my intended target area.
While it is impossible to know with 100% certainty how well this (or any) training will translate to real life, I believe that the muscle memory created with this simple practice plan will serve me well if and when it is ever needed. And finally, and perhaps the most important part of the self defense process in my mind is striving to always be aware of my situation and surroundings, and trying my best to never put myself in obvious danger. While I know full well that anything can potentially happen at any time, I think that we can all agree that we can certainly improve our odds by thinking in advance about what we choose to do and where we choose to go.