Saturday, April 5, 2014

GSG 1911-22 At 40,000 Rounds

By BuckJM53 - 11/10/13

It hardly seems possible, but another 15 months (and 13,000 rounds) have gone by since my last GSG 1911-22 report.  While I know that some in the rimfire community who won't want to hear that this fine little pistol continues to work very well at the 40,000 round mark (as it doesn't fit with their steel only agenda), I post this update for all of you that may be interested in what they can expect from their GSG as time goes on and the rounds mount up, as well as for those who are considering the purchase of one.

At the 40,000 round mark, my thoughts are as follows:

  1. All upgraded/replaced parts discussed on the two previous reports have continued to function perfectly.  
  2. No additional service or parts replacement was required  during the current reporting period.
  3. The accuracy remains very good (see picture below) with no appreciable wear in the barrel, barrel bushing or barrel liner.
  4. The grip frame and slide mating surfaces are still in excellent condition with no appreciable wear.
  5. The slide stop notch on the replacement slide has peened a bit (which was expected), but has not resulted in any issue with the lock back so far.  I'm certain that it will at some point in the future and is the one issue IMHO that GSG needs to resolve going forward.
All in all, given the fact that my initial hope was to get to the 30,000 round mark before a replacement pistol was required,  I am still very pleased with how the GSG has held up and performed.  It is now my intention to take it to the 50,000 round mark and beyond.  Will it ever rival my MKIII512 in terms of quality and durability ... of course not, but nothing would make me happier than to be discussing this pistol if/when it hits 75,000 round mark.  Will it get there .... Only time will tell.

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