While I have been using the trainer to practice my draw stroke and point shooting before release of the new "Quick Draw" application (as discussed in the point shooting entry below), the new app integrates the laser system with a shot timer that allows you to evaluate both accuracy from the draw as well as exact time from draw stroke to initial shot. The photos below (point shooting from 6-7 yards) show the target as well as the time of each draw for three of my 5 shot strings from earlier today (one for each of my carry pistols). This thing is a blast to use and provides great practice in the comfort of your home.
It is noteworthy here that my times with the RAMI were consistently the fastest with an average time of 1.29 seconds, the Micro-Compact clocked in second with an average of 1.38 seconds, and the Hi-Power consistently finished the slowest with an average of 1.63 seconds (all averages were calculated on the basis of 20 draws with each pistol). The .34 second spread between the RAMI and Hi-Power is likely the difference in time required for the larger Hi-Power to clear the holster and maybe a slight difference in manipulating the safety (all three pistols are carried condition 1).
CZ 2075 RAMI